Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Caesar in the East

Caesar was in pursue of Pompey in Alexandria, when he was entangled with the Egyptian government. He was attacked by the Egyptian government. His few men helped him get out of the fight. When the fighting was over, Caesar did not leave Egypt but stayed as a guest to Cleopatra.

Caesar than went to see king Parnaces, before he returned Rome. He settled his disbute by winning a small battle over Asia Minor (Turkey). He sent the Roman Empire a very powerful message:

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

I came, I saw, I conquered!

Caesar's Military Career

Julius Caesar was a great military expert. He had many great victories. HIs legions were always greatly disciplined and trained, These are all the battles that Caesar has fought.

Roman battles fought by Caesar:

58 BC:
June – Battle of the Arar (Saone): Caesar engages and defeats the Helvetii
July – Battle of Bibracte: Caesar engages and defeats the Helvetii

57 BC:
Battle of the Axona (Aisne): Caesar engages and defeats the Belgae
Battle of the Sabis (Sambre): Caesar defeats the Nervii.

52 BC:
Avaricum: Caesar takes this city by siege and then allows his soldiers to massacre its 40,000 inhabitants
Battle of Alesia: Caesar lays siege to Alesia and is simultaneously lain under siege by the Gallic leader Vercingetorix; Caesar defeats Vercingetorix

51 BC
Battle of Uxellodunum: Caesar lays siege to Uxellodunum, the last Gallic outpost in open revolt. Caesar defeats these last rebels, and then proceeds to cut off the hands of all those who survived the siege, and scatter them throughout Gaul.

48 BC:
July 10 – Battle of Dyrrhachium: Caesar lays siege to Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) at Dyrrhachium and withdraws before his forces can be decisively beaten
August 9 – Battle of Pharsalus: Caesar engages and defeats Pompey

47 BC:
February – Battle of the Nile: Caesar engages and defeats King Ptolemy XIII of Alexandria and Egypt
May – Battle of Zela: Caesar engages and defeats King Pharnaces II of Pontus ("I came, I saw, I conquered")

46 BC, February – Battle of Thapsus: defeats the Pompeian army of Metellus Scipio in North Africa.

45 BC March 17 – Battle of Munda: defeats the Pompeian forces of Titus Labienus and Gnaeus Pompeius

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_career_of_Julius_Caesar"

Caesar's Government Ambitions

In 59 B.C, Caesar was appointed a consul and in 58 B.C he was appointed governer in Gaul. He was very succesful in that position and took alot of land for the Roman Empire. Some saw Caesar as very cruel and selfish because of the power that he accumulated so quickly. Pompey, a general, was also very concerned as to the power Caesar was recieving.

In 49 B.C, the Roman Empire demanded that Caesar give up his army and put it under their control. Caesar refused and advanced onto Italy. Since Caesar had left his territory, he had broken the law and should have been punished severly. But with Caesar's strong army, his opponents could not succeed. Later, Pompey was killed in Egypt. Over the next three years, Caesar was able to destory his enemies over several countries.

Caesar's Love Life

Caesar was known as a fairly attractive man. He was tall and slim with brown eyes. Cesar did have many mistresses. One of his most famous was Cleopatra VII. She did give birth to his son Caesarion, but the child was murdered after his parents both died.

Caesar also married Pompeia who was Pompey's relative. The marriage ended in a great scandal when Pompeia turned out to be having an affair with another man. Caesar was outraged and divorced her soonafter.

Caesar later married Calpurnia, which was rumored to be for politacal ambitions. Caesar was married to Calpurnia until his death.

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Beginning

Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 B.C. on July 13th. His parents were Gaius Julius and Ariella Caesar. When Caesar was born, the head leader in Rome was Gaius Marius, who was married to Caesar's fathers sister, Julia. This made the two families very close and Caesar destined for power. When Caesar was only 15 or 16 his father died. As a boy, he had a great education by a professor in Rome, Marcus Giphno. Caesar was only 18 years old when he married Cornelia, and a had a daughter named Julia.

In the year 79 B.C., Caesar was awarded a civic crown for saving the life of a citizen in a battle. Ceasar became a lawyer in Rome in 78 B.C and would be know through out his life being a great public speaker.

When Cesar was in his mid-20's, he was captured by pirates and held captive. He befriended the pirates but he jokingly promised he would kill them if he was set free. He was help captive for about a month and when they set him free he turned all the pirates in and had them crucified.